Sunday, July 31, 2022

The Physics Of Unity

                                                                                                           written 24 July 2022

                                                                                                       published 31 July 2022


           I often talk about unity reality.  While this is fundamental in the spiritual and metaphysical traditions, I first came to this through physics.  High school introduced me to rudimentary atomic theory: atoms were considered as solid spheres, the smallest indivisible portion of a particular element, and molecules were atoms connected in combinations.  

            A little over a century ago, it was discovered that atoms are mostly empty, because beams of electrons passed through them as if nothing was there.  Deeper investigation described atoms having electrons surrounding a very small, relatively massive, nucleus consisting of protons and neutrons.  

            Hydrogen is the simplest atom, consisting of one electron and one proton, with an effective diameter of 2.5x10-8inches, meaning 40 million lined up would measure an inch.  That is very small, but the proton in the middle is about 100,000 times smaller, and the electron is 1,000 times smaller than the proton.  To give a sense of scale, if the proton was the size of a golf ball, the electron would be the thickness of a piece of newspaper, circling the golf ball at a radius of about 1.4 miles!  That 2.8 mile diameter sphere contains only a golf ball and a speck of paper, yet that is what we experience a solid matter.

            Quantum mechanics describes electrons in energy shells around the nucleus, neutrons consisting of a proton and an electron, and all the larger particles consisting of combinations of even smaller particles.  More significantly, all matter is dense energy, with wave like properties as well as particulate effects.  Needless to say, the deeper one looks, the less solid "things" seem, and the clearer it becomes that all descriptions are approximations.

            But physical reality is even stranger than that.  About 70 years ago, physicist David Bohm suggested that apparently empty space is actually an almost unimaginably vast ocean of energy: zero-point energy.  I first encountered this in Bohm's 1980 book, "Wholeness and the Implicate Order".  While the mathematics are beyond my scope, I have had opportunity to check the implications with several physicists who study this field.  

            What appears as manifested matter is just a very slight increase in energy, much like a wave on the ocean is a slightly greater amount of water in that particular location, not a separate thing.  The perception of different "things" is a consequence of our limited perspective, not a quality of reality.  On the ocean, we perceive only the relative differences in water height, without any awareness of the depths below.  Similarly, we experience material form, totally unaware of the underlying energy ocean.  As all water waves arise out of the common ocean, all matter arises out of the common energy ocean.  Seriously criticized when first proposed, this theory has stood the test of time, continuing to gain credibility as it explains experimental data better than competing theories.  

            Our sensory systems are designed to detect relative differences, not absolute reality.  For example, consider hearing, which depends on an atmospheric density, but only notices the changes in that density, not the absolute value.  In addition, we only detect a range of differences, and are unaware of very slow or vary rapid changes, which are noticeable to other species.  It is not surprising that we should be unaware of a unity energy field, while noticing only a range of differences. 

            We are immersed in a complex surface of subtle energy shapes.  Just look around at all the colors you see.  Every color is a different energy level, ranging from the lowest energy at the red end of the spectrum to the higher energy of blue and ultra violet.  The beauty of the world is the variety and subtlety of this energy field.  This visible spectrum is a very small part of the measurable energy, and human "see" less than other species. 

            Look around again, considering the idea that all that you see is similar to the wave structure on the surface of the ocean.  Every "thing" has a uniqueness in space and time, yet is a shape of the energy ocean that includes us all.  Can you imagine experiencing the connection?  Can you feel a taste of the unity reality?  

            This is our task at this point in human history.  The illusion of separation is killing us.  We are too numerous and too powerful to be so ignorant much longer.


Sunday, July 24, 2022

Social Evolution

                                                                                                           written 17 July 2022

                                                                                                       published 24 July 2022


            In "The Perennial Philosophy", Aldous Huxley, identifying elements common within all spiritual traditions, describes human evolution as moving from egoic separation to experience of divine unity.  The second book of Kim Stanley Robinson's "Mars" trilogy presents the idea of social evolution as a "resident/emergent paradigm".  At any given time, society is structured by the previous form, as well as the emerging form, with important influence from more archaic past forms and faint intuitions of future developments.  Robinson lists the following historical sequence of social forms: tribalism, religious monarchy, feudalism, capitalism, democracy, humanism, and finally harmony or general goodwill and equity.  

            For example, feudalism was shaped by the previous system of absolute religious monarchy and the emergent system of capitalism, with important echoes of tribalism, and foreshadowing of democracy.  Religious monarchy had power strictly controlled by a ruling family, ordained by God, passed on by heredity or conquest.  Feudalism broadened the power base to include other "noble" families.  Power still followed birth lines, but was supported by the proceeds of the land and labor they controlled, the emerging capitalism. 

            Society shifted in the 16th century Renaissance to capitalism, a clash of residual feudalism and the emergent form of democracy.  Capitalism allowed wealth and power to be accumulated independent of birth, broadening the power base yet again, and opened the door for more democratic sharing throughout the society. 

            When America was formed, despite its democratic idealism, most of the population was disenfranchised.  Three quarters of the wealthy men who wrote the Constitution were slave owners, and they almost limited voting to just the wealthy.  Accepting that this wouldn't be popular, they expanded the vote to all white men, excluding women and indigenous inhabitants.  For census purposes, blacks were considered worth 3/5 of a human.  At the time, even this limited democracy was radical.  Over the last 246 years, the forces of democracy have expanded who gets to vote.  What we are witnessing today is the clash between capitalism and democracy, moving toward humanism.

            Capitalism is inclined toward separation and exclusion, perhaps its most fundamental flaw.  This shows throughout the economy, from massive wealth inequity amidst starvation and homelessness, to lethal competition and the destruction of the biosphere for short term profit.  As capitalism has matured, so has the concentration of power and wealth, so now 8 people own as much as the poorest half of the planetary population.

            This is a long way from the ideals presented by Adam Smith in "The Wealth Of Nations", which laid down the basics of the "free market", a theoretical economics based on dozens of assumptions that never apply in the real world.  But people believe in it like some believe in the Easter Bunny, and the world is distorted by the results.

            The essence of democracy is inclusion, standing in stark contrast to the exclusion of current corporatist capitalism.  Democracy, with key ideals of equal application of the law and power of the people in deciding who governs, is closer to the operation of living systems, which are massively interconnected and synergistic.  A former president should be subject to the same laws as the poorest among us.  Making a profit from harming people is a crime. Democratic rights are being granted to portions of the biosphere, essential elements in supporting life on the planet, heralding a larger democracy that is planetary in scope, even transcending the limitations of the human species.

            The resident/emergent paradigm suggests retarding influences from the deep past as well as inspiration from the unfolding future.  In our current situation we are seeing authoritarian religious fundamentalism and archaic tribalism driving some of the most regressive actions, yearning for the illusion of simplistic certainties of the past.  The influence of an approaching future of universal harmony seems like a fiction, yet is the root of the Gaia hypothesis, which understands the Earth as a self-regulating being.

            Our species and society are at a tipping point.  Anyone looking around can see that we are exhausting critical resources, overpopulating the planet, precipitating massive species extinctions, and driving climate changes that threaten everything we hold dear.  Because reality is inclusive, any real solution must be inclusive, which challenges most of our established order.  This demands courage, and a deep commitment to our inner truth, the source of all inspiration.  Democracy will prevail, if enough of us work to make it so.



Sunday, July 17, 2022

Considering Solutions

                                                                                                          written 10 July 2022

                                                                                                      published 17 July 2022

            Despite recent events, I am still an optimistic catastrophist.  The caterpillar/butterfly transformation is one of my favorite metaphors.  The caterpillar dissolves into formless goop, and in multiple spots throughout the goop, the butterfly begins to take shape.  However, the still functioning caterpillar immune system attacks these growths as "enemy", which hastens the butterfly assembly.  From one individualistic perspective, it looks like death and decay, from the other, it is birth and progress.  From a unity perspective, it is life.

            The recent authoritarian decisions by the Supreme Court are the dying immune system attacking, desperately holding onto the dissolving past.  This may accelerate the emergence of the new form.  Even Republican strategists are becoming concerned they may have given the Democrats exactly what is needed to gain a stronger Congressional majority, allowing for real progress on issues important to most Americans.  Let's consider a post-fundamentalist country, inspired by solutions from other countries, with regard to voting rights, campaign financing, gun rights, woman's rights, and climate change.

            In the 2020 US election, despite efforts to reduce turnout under the guise of "voter integrity", 67 percent of eligible voters voted, a record high number.  However, Australia regularly sees 92 percent participation, because voting is mandatory, with only long-term prisoners excluded.  Since everyone in America pays some kinds of taxes, independent of citizenship status, limiting anyone from voting is "taxation without representation".  Rather than preventing voting, we could encourage everyone to vote, while insuring they only vote once.  Even third world countries with illiterate populations have figured that one out.

            The 2020 election cost $14B, the most expensive in history.  While US politicians are for sale, other nations realize this kind of commerce is antithetical to democracy.  England has strong criminal prohibitions on campaign contributions, allowing only modest individual donations, while providing state support to all candidates for advertising and air time.  This means issues and popular support predominate over who is the best funded.  A candidate has to have good ideas to get supporters to volunteer, knock on doors, and press the flesh, rather than just shoveling cash.

            Australia, with 1/13th our population, has been described as "the US of the Commonwealth", valuing personal independence and a wild west flavor.  In 1996, a mass shooter in Port Arthur killed 35 people and wounded another 23.  Within two weeks the recently elected conservative president John Howard, close friend to George W. Bush, responded by pushing through strict gun control laws.  The sale and importation of all automatic and semi- automatic rifles were banned, waiting periods for gun ownership were installed, and a massive mandatory buy-back program was created.  Howard's response to complaints about violation of human rights was, "the greatest human right is to live a safe life without fear of random murder".  Gun ownership was cut in half, gun violence dropped by 60 percent, and there have been just 37 mass shootings in 26 years.  As of July 8th, the US has had 337 mass shootings in 2020 alone. 

            The US is the fourth country to make abortion illegal in three decades, joining El Salvador, Nicaragua, and Poland.  Even though I am a man writing about this, I am appalled and ashamed of my country.  I understand that many hold firm convictions that abortion is murder, but State intervention into such a personal aspect of a woman's life is undemocratic tyranny.  If you oppose abortion, don't have one!

            Several paths are open for change, including limiting what the Court can adjudicate, impeaching some of the Supreme Court members, and/or adding more members.  Pass legislation affirming a right to an abortion in all states, with reasonable conditions, and make sure that abortion medication is legal, widely available, and affordable. 

            The growing climate crisis will overwhelm every other issue discussed here, as more communities are burned to the ground, blown away, or inundated with water.  As fire insurance becomes more problematic, and crops losses rise, normal economic activity shrivels.  This consequence of unrestrained corporate profit can only be matched by governmental regulations, to preserve and protect.  America is a quarter of the global economy.  If we don't do our part, everyone loses. 

            Of course, none of the above suggestions can happen without a larger Democratic majority in the House, and especially the Senate.  A motivated electorate can make these changes come to pass.  Time will tell if people care enough.



Sunday, July 10, 2022

Ragging On Republicans

                                                                                                             written 3 July 2022

                                                                                                       published 10 July 2022


            A Fort Bragg reader recently complained, "Your frequent tirades against Republicans are one thing (though we are almost half your constituents), why not use the local newspaper to reach across the aisle rather than contributing to the rift?"  This is partially accurate.  In Mendocino county, voter registration is 66.4 percent Democratic, 30.6 percent Republican, and 3 percent Independent.  However, I do rag on Republicans, but not because they are a minority.  

            I admire some of what used to be core Republican values: personal responsibility, integrity, honesty, public service, minimizing governmental intrusion, and respect for the law.  But I am offended by the actions of the "modern" Republican party as exemplified by the ideologues now on the Supreme Court.  Consider recent decisions on five issues: money in politics, voting rights, gun violence, woman's rights, and climate change.

            Citizens United ruled that money is protected speech, eliminating hundreds of laws limiting the wealthy from buying legal solutions to further their greed and avoid responsibility, which flooded politics with unaccounted dark money, buying compliant legislators.  

            Exclusive gain tends to upset those excluded, making Republicans a minority party.  Voter suppression and extreme gerrymandering are now standard party strategy, "insuring voter integrity".  By making sure only the "right" people vote they continue holding onto power while doing unpopular things. 

            Having abandoned the illusion of democracy, the autocrats revert to violence.  Recent ruling making carrying concealed weapons more widespread serves to not only boost gun corporate profits (a traditional Republican goal), but tyrannizes the populace.  Seventy percent of Americans don't own a gun, giving more power to the violent armed minority.  An angry 18 year old, who can't legally buy a drink, can purchase a weapon specifically designed to kill, and go slaughter 3rd graders.  Of course, more guns are the answer.  

            The increasing empowerment of women scares weak minded men, and women are much more likely to vote Democratic (56 percent to 38 percent).  Banning abortion helps put them "back in their place", and creates a security system to investigate every pregnancy and miscarriage as a potential crime.  This vast intrusion of the State into the bedroom is wrapped in the "religious morality" of the punitive, self-proclaimed "Christian" fundamentalists. 

            Despite being opposed 2 to 1 by American voters, 6 unelected Republican zealots, in position for life, made these changes because they could and they felt like it.

            Finally, there is climate change.  The northern US was covered in ice over 2 miles thick during the last period of glaciation, when atmospheric CO2 was 180 ppm.  The current interglacial period began as atmospheric CO2 gradually rose by 55 percent over 15,000 years, to 280 ppm, allowing the northern portion of the country to become habitable.  In just 200 years, human fossil fuel combustion abruptly added another 50 percent, to 420 ppm today, with half of that rise in the last 30 years.  The adverse economic impact of this rapid change is already here, and growing.  You can smell it each summer now, and most of us know someone who has been burned out.

            The fossil fuel corporations knew this would happen, but decided profits were more important than any "collateral damage".  Despite persistent, well-funded opposition, the environmental movement has begun making progress in getting this destructive business practice curtailed.  But Republican "leaders", supporting big money over everything else, believe government must never intrude, but corporations must have free reign.  Last week the Court told the government they can't work to save our planet.  This is suicidal.

            For the moment, this is still a democratic society.  This November will determine our fate.  If you think politicians should be for sale, value guns over children, hate women, and want to kill the planet for profit, then the new Republican party is for you.  If that is too insane for you, vote them out!  Big time! 

            In addition, pick an issue that stirs your passion, find a group working on it, and support them with time and/or funds.  The time for waiting for "leaders" is over.  Crowd sourcing works.  Think about solutions to your issue, share it with your representatives, and talk about it with others, making it part of our social conversation.  Consider calling your Republican friends and share your stories with them.  Remember, a majority of us don't like the current direction.  The country you save might be your own!





Sunday, July 3, 2022

Societal Cancer

                                                                                                          written 26 June 2022

                                                                                                         published 3 July 2022



            In a healthy body, every cell works in harmony, contributing to the larger system, being supported in exchange.  When an individual cell is traumatized by radiation, chemicals, or stress, it grows abnormally, out of harmony.  Growing for itself, at the expense of the larger whole, it can eventually kill the host.  This is defined as cancer.  

            Similarly, a healthy society supplies members with both a meaningful way to contribute as well as providing support and opportunity for the essentials of life.  Our capitalist democracy is a relatively recent solution for this challenge.  Just like a cell, humans can be traumatized, producing a distorted perspective on the world, leading to selfish actions out of synch with not only their personal needs, but with larger societal needs as well.  When traumatized people rise to positions of power, the dysfunction spreads or metastasizes.

            Former President Trump is a malignant narcissist, a phycological response to early childhood trauma, raised to believe a person is either a killer or a loser.  Since he must never be a loser, the 2020 election must have been stolen. This delusion is sad in a normal person, but as president, he was able to coerce others into believing his lie, turning a sadness into a societal cancer.

            Traumatized people are often eager to follow a strong leader, someone who will tell them the rules, define what is true, and make difficult decisions for them.  Trump found lots of supporters, ranging from run of the mill citizens to Republican "leaders", willing to believe whatever they were told.

            The January 6th House hearings continue to show that numerous people and courts tried to tell Trump the truth.  We have heard how some honorable Republicans held true to their values, and refused Trump as he demanded they lie and cheat.  But Trump persisted in his sick delusion, willing to destroy the entire society rather than grow up.  As his frustration grew, he supported more bizarre, increasingly violent, schemes to force through his lie that the election was stolen.  Trump decided that Georgian poll workers had stuffed ballot boxes, and publicized their names and addresses.  Armed men broke in to make "citizens arrests", believing they were "patriots".  

            Unfortunately, lies and undemocratic activities are not limited to Trump.  Republicans who thwarted Trump have been expunged from the party, labeled as RINO, and even advertised as targets for "hunting season", by Republican "leaders".  Republican members of Congress have lied about their activities, and requested pardons for actions they knew were illegal.  We have all seen the tapes and heard the recordings, so we know.  Several hundred million dollars were raised for the "Stop The Steal" fund, which never existed, and instead went directly into Trump's pocket.  Right wing terrorists are increasingly resorting to violence, a fascist favorite, to get what they want.

             The belief in the Big Lie that the election was stolen still persists, threatening to destroy democracy as we have known it.  When a political party decides that cheating and violence are appropriate responses to losing an election, we have reverted to thuggery, and civil society is lost.  We now see the Republican "vision" for America.  

            The Republican Supreme Court announced the repeal of Roe vs. Wade, making abortions illegal in 18 states almost immediately, with plans to limit access to contraception.  Abruptly removing 50 years of rights institutionalizes misogyny, suppressing women back to the dark ages as nothing more than breeders for the State, and lays the foundation for a massive State security system.  With human overpopulation killing the planet faster every year, this is insane, but Republican "leaders" fear women.

            The same week, the Court made it easier for people to carry concealed weapons everywhere, protecting gun corporation profits.  The Court intends to curtail the US response to climate change, accelerating climate destruction while protecting fossil fuel corporation profits.  The Court desires privatization of Medicare and Social Security, protecting profits for health insurance corporations, Wall Street, and Republican billionaire donors.  All of these actions are opposed by a solid two third majority of Americans, but Republican "leaders" no longer care.

            This next election will determine the fate of our nation.  I urge everyone to register and then VOTE!  I urge all Republicans of integrity to seriously consider if this Republican "leadership" speaks for you, infected as it is by obscene money and Trump's thuggish cancer.