Sunday, March 31, 2024

Responding To Change

                                                                                           written 24 March 2024

                                                                                       published 31 March 2024

            The State of Florida, dominated by MAGA "thinking", has prohibited the terms "climate change" and "sea level rise" in official usage.  Don't look up!  But reality doesn't care.

            Consequently, Florida is trying to deal with "persistent sunny day flooding", disappearing beaches, increasingly lethal outdoor summer labor, salt water intrusion into drinking water, home owner's insurance three times California levels (when available), and growing difficulties in home financing.  These are all forms of adverse climate impact. Needless to say, none of the official efforts, some costing hundreds of millions of dollars, have been effective.

            Decades ago, the global re-insurance industry, which insures the smaller national companies, noticed their costs going up.  When the climate repeatedly destroys insured property, insurance rates have to increase in order for the system to remain solvent.  Florida has experienced four destructive hurricanes in the last seven years, and the sea level there is rising faster there than the rest of the US, making storms more destructive.  

            With "business as usual", this impact will increase for decades.  As insurance becomes more expensive and limited, affordable insurance coverage becomes scarce.  Available bank loans will diminish, unwilling to loan for 30 years without insurance.  Even those with cash will be reluctant to invest with the increasing risk of total loss.  At some point, property values could crash in a panic, stranding the poorest, and bankrupting cities and the state government.  All this has already begun.

            Even if Florida wasn't in compete climate denial, imagining an effective response is difficult.  Armoring the coast against flooding is extremely expensive, sacrifices the sandy beaches, and doesn't actually work for long.  Moving all critical infrastructure and buildings away from the coast would be politically problematic, very expensive if done equitably, time consuming, and would force abandonment of much of the low-lying state.  Building storm resistant buildings throughout the state would have similar constraints.

            As easy as it is to critique Florida, California has the same kinds of problems with wildfires, despite having more climate awareness.  California had embraced a Florida like denial by prohibiting risk forecasting when setting insurance rates, demanding only historic records be considered, ignoring a rapidly changing future.  This had short term appeal for the insured population, but it put the insurance industry in a bind.  They couldn't afford it, caught between what they could charge and what they had to pay to re-insure their exposure.  The result was a highly publicized exodus of insurance companies from the state, pinching consumers with increasing costs, or reduced availability of adequate coverage.   

            If allowed to continue, lack of insurance would adversely impact the real estate sales market and bank viability, risking a drop in real estate value and property taxes revenues.  The state relented, and recently allowed the industry to include the changing future risks when setting rates.  A press release proclaimed this would stem the exodus and provide more options for the consumer.  What wasn't stated was that new insurance will be more expensive.  Needless to say, consumer advocacy groups noticed, pointing out that consumers can't afford it.  This is not a whole system solution.

            Mitigation is being considered, such as changing land use practices and shifting building codes to require more inflammable construction materials and methods.  Investment in such changes would be reflected in reduced insurance rates.  But such a transition is expensive and slow.

            While any mitigation is helpful, the scale of the challenge is daunting.  When faced with an ember blizzard, the best advice is to be somewhere else.  What mitigation could have prevented the destruction of 90 percent of Paradise, CA?  How does a town rebuild when all the infrastructure (water, sewer, electrical, telecommunications) must be replaced, with few residents, little commerce, and a diminished tax base? 

            Mitigation may help address the wildfire issue, but not the fundamental climate crisis, and makes the questionable assumption our society can continue as-is, on a rapidly heating planet.  2023 was the hottest year on record, and 2024 has started off even hotter.          We clearly need to stop making the climate worse and actively begin meaningful carbon sequestration.  When enough people feel the direct economic impact of the climate crisis on our lives; when the financial powers see their fiscal peril; when people have voted in enough leaders who feel that impact also; then we might have a chance.  The next election will clarify things.  Like it or not, we are all in this together.


Sunday, March 24, 2024

Because They Said So

                                                                                           written 17 March 2024

                                                                                       published 24 March 2024

            Two weeks ago, the Ukiah Daily Journal published a letter supporting the primacy of a Biblical view of the world, as God's will.  On the one hand I respect the writer for the courage to write from their obvious passion.  But with the rise of White Christian Nationalism as a political force (which I view as bigoted religious fascism) the issue demands a response.

            I do not identify as a Christian.  For centuries, too many people have been killed in the name of God, by self-righteous people claiming Biblical justification.  I can't abide to join such a club.  However, I am a spiritual person, knowing I am part of something larger than myself.  On my personal quest, I take inspiration wherever I find it, and appreciate Christ's instruction to "love God" and "love one another".  This socialist ideal is massively inclusive, and in line with unity reality.

            Four centuries after Christ, a group of men created the Bible to become the sacred doctrine of Christianity, the state religion of the Roman Empire.  They declared they were inspired by God, and the Pope, the leader of the Church, was God's representative on Earth, just because they said so.  Rome began persecution of non-Christians to assure compliance.

            Since the Bible is a book of words, it is a concept, ambiguous and open to interpretation.  The power of the words is in the experiences these concepts engender in the people who read or hear them.  Many are inspired to emulate Christ with excellence, compassion, peace of mind, and open-hearted service of love.  Christian groups help the poor, hungry, sick, depressed, and abandoned.  Individuals live lives of unconditional love and service, enhancing the lives of everyone around them.  Modern liberation theology worked against social inequities.  Tithing is sharing through collective action.  This is the positive side of Christianity

            Christ set a standard of love, but rather than focusing on the loving goal, some emphasize sin, missing the mark, and use the Bible as a vehicle for control and domination, wielding the power of God as a bludgeon.  This is the darker history of the Christianity.  

            Surviving the collapse of the original Empire, the Church continued to grow in social, economic, and political power, using their limited definition of God's will to control the masses.  Founded in the misogyny of the times, only men were allowed to be priest and determine what is sacred and what is condemned.  The consequences today are the Persistent Pedophile Priest Problem, and Protestant sects torn apart over women as preachers.

            Translation of the Bible from Latin into other languages was prohibited, and literal Biblical infallibility within the Church was maintained by killing "heretics".  Religious intolerance brought centuries of wars against believers of other spiritual traditions, who also claimed to know God's will.  Increased power engendered increased corruption, eventually resulting in the Protestant rebellion, which further divided into sects, beginning centuries of wars between Christians as well.  After the New World was "discovered", 90 percent of the people already living there were killed as unchristian "heathens", making their land and resources available for the taking.  

            These excesses seem to arise within almost all religious organizations.  The first colonies in the New World were fleeing religious persecution in Europe.  When America rebelled, the founders wanted to avoid the abusive oppression of the "divine right" of a king, as well as the intolerance of a state sanctioned religion.  The creation of a democratic republic was a novel experiment, massively inclusive in concept, even if we are still working to fully live it in reality.

            My complaint is the arrogance of a few, claiming they know God's will, just because they say so.  It is also arrogant, and ignorant, to claim that only human life is sacred and worthy of our care and concern.  With a long history of disregard for even human life, if it isn't Christian, it is hypocritical to claim concern for frozen human embryos.  This is the operation of a religion of a little god, created in man's image, seeing sin everywhere, narrowly defined in a whole world of wonder.

            So, I ask all who consider themselves to be Christians to examine how you live your faith.  Are you are uplifted by Christ's love, and share that with your whole world?   If so, then speak out against those who would degrade Christianity into just another form of oppression and intolerance.


Sunday, March 17, 2024

Affirming Unity

                                                                                           written 10 March 2024

                                                                                       published 17 March 2024

            The 2024 Presidential race is on!  Biden, who supports inclusive democracy, is the oldest candidate ever, walks slowly, stutters, sometimes talks too fast, yet oversaw a robust economic recovery from a devastating pandemic without a recession.  Trump, who supports fascist autocracy, is an oath breaking insurrectionist, showing declining mental capacity steeped in retribution and petty grievance, already convicted of fraud with three more criminal trials in process, supported by a party that wants to "remove voting rights for women".  The difference is clear, but some people think this will be a close election.       

            With complete disregard, the Earth inexorably moves around the Sun.  The vernal equinox is this week, the beginning of Spring for the northern hemisphere, and a time of renewal.  Trees are bursting into flower.  It feels joyful to be alive as nature affirms our common unity.

            Everything material is composed of identical neutrons, protons, and electrons, which combine as only 92 different elemental atoms.  Of these, 99 percent of the human body mass is composed of just 6 elements (oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen, carbon, calcium, and phosphorus).

            These elements form just four different nucleic acids, coded in groups of three in DNA chromosomes to define 22 amino acids, which can assemble into more than 20,000 proteins.  These proteins are the foundation for more than 2 million different species, with uncounted population totals, including 8.1 billion humans.

            However, waking consciousness is only 10% of our awareness.  Therefore, we don't experience these fundamental material and biological commonalities, perceiving only surfaces, certain in our belief we are differentiated, enduring objects.  

            But our bodies are actually dynamic assemblies, changing every moment.  On average, we produce our weight in new cells every 80 days, with the rate of change unevenly distributed.  Our stomach quickly digests itself, being completely replaced every few days.  Skin takes a few months, organs a few years, and bones take a decade.  Overall, we are less like enduring objects, and more like whirlpools of biological expression, constantly different, yet recognizably the same.

            This paradoxical relationship, fundamentally united, yet individually distinct, is being ignored at the political level, which has polarized into hardened definitions of differences, threatening the survival of us all.  The superficial stance of "winner take all" is not new, and has afflicted humanity for thousands of years, with increasingly adverse impact.  Yet throughout time, the notion of our connection has been recognized and taught. 

            Our current situation can be understood as a great awakening, with a growing experience of the deeper connections, and the transcendence of historic patterns of hate and division.  This is the falling away of the old order, a kind of molting, where old grievances are brought to awareness to be healed.  Another image is the refinement of metal, which is heated to a degree where the light weight impurities can float to the surface to be removed, leaving only the core strength of the material.  

            Most of us have been traumatized, operating under obsolete limitations of "who we are".  But each moment is a fresh opportunity to retell our story, much as our body constantly renews itself.  We are being challenged to look at what people are doing, not just what they are saying, and compare that to our inner truth to see if that is in accord with our social and individual needs and desires.  Does it serve to expand and empower us, or does it serve to contract us in fear?

             I am a spiritual person, believing and experiencing that I am part of something much larger than my limited self.  I am especially offended by the perversion of religious doctrine to justify domination and punitive retribution, presuming the speaker has the "truth" handed down to them alone.   

            Perhaps the biggest mistake of the Christian doctrine is the idea that Christ was THE son of God, rather than A son of God, demonstrating human potential.  Opening to that consideration of inclusive sacred nature changes everything.  It is my life journey to explore the extent of my humanity, and live it as best I can.  That is everyone's birthright as a human.

            Today, consider treating every living being as "kin", arising from the same material source, sharing the same basic DNA code, constantly changing their form as dynamic beings.  This is our heritage.  This is who we came here to be.  This is the society we want to leave for our descendants.


Sunday, March 10, 2024

Watching a Train Wreck

                                                                                             written 3 March 2024

                                                                                       published 10 March 2024

            The Republican party looks like a bad soap opera.  If it wasn't so disruptive, it would be comical.  After a lifetime of ducking responsibility, Trump faces multiple civil and criminal trials and is running for president to avoid the consequences of his previous actions.  Trump hopes judges he appointed while president will delay his trails until he returns to power, when he will kill the Federal cases.

            In Florida, Trump is accused of willful retention of classified documents.  The trial is overseen by Trump appointed Judge Cannon, a judge with limited experience who has already been slapped down by higher courts for judicial incompetence.  Being a loyalist, she has slow walked the case, such that it may never come to trial before the November election.  

            In Washington DC, Trump is accused of involvement in the January 6th insurrection.  To stall the trial, he appealed, claiming presidential immunity, despite Constitutional clarity that all Americans are subject the rule of law.  The Republican majority on the Supreme Court, half appointed by Trump and demonstrably corrupt themselves, have chosen to delay ruling until mid-summer, raising doubt this trial may happen before the election either.

            However, in a few weeks Trump is facing trial for criminal election interference in a State of New York court.  With no compliant judges at hand, this may be the first criminal case to be heard.

            Trump's transgressions aren't limited to criminal behavior.  Despite pontificating he is rich beyond belief, he is a convicted business fraud, accruing fines over $500M, which he now claims he can't afford.  To avoid payment, he has begun secretly moving funds and companies out of New York, which has jurisdiction in these cases.

            This is the Republican presidential frontrunner, supported by most of the party.  So much for integrity, or law and order.

            But this tragi-comedy is much more than just Trump.  After decades of work, Republicans finally stacked the Supreme Court with fanatical religious conservatives, who overturned the right to abortion.  The stated goal is to outlaw "recreational sex".  What does that leave, just professional sex?  Will women be treated primarily as breeding stock? 

            The next step is to legally declare citizenship begins at conception, therefore prohibiting contraception, criminalizing miscarriages, and halting several fertilization techniques.  Needless to say, these are very unpopular ideas, but Republicans seem mystified about the backlash, claiming Biblical certainty that this will "Make America Great Again".

             The Republicans hold a razor thin majority in the House of Representatives, and their complete incompetence is another dimension of this drama.  They required the most votes since the Civil War to choose their first Speaker.  After the third shortest tenure in history, he was replaced by a zealot with no leadership experience, who is about to be replaced himself, for the transgression of working with Democrats.  

            The 118th Congress has passed just 22 bills, the fewest on record, while spending time trying to impeach the president's son to help twice impeached Trump look less like a criminal.  Of the two key Republican impeachment sources, the first was found to be a Chinese intelligence agent, and the second was recently jailed for telling lies to the FBI, spreading Russian disinformation.  

            The government is approaching yet another shutdown, due to Republican incapacity to actually govern and pass funding legislation.  After weeks of bipartisan work on a bill to deal with the border crisis, giving conservatives much of what they have wanted for years, the House killed the bill because Trump wanted to keep border chaos as a campaign issue.  Despite broad bipartisan support, critical aid to Ukraine is stalled in the House, because Trump likes Putin.

            In the real world, where the rest of us live, 2023 was the hottest on record, and 2024 is already hotter.  The North Atlantic is so warm, weather patterns and fish stock are being affected.  In February, some areas of the mid-west were 40°F above normal for this time of the year.  Over one million acres are currently burning in the largest wildfire in Texas history.  Despite the recent blizzard in the west, most of America had no snow this winter.  Yet Republican dogma is "climate change is a hoax".

            If you care about representative democracy, if you care about the health of women you love, if you care about the climate, the current GOP has nothing for you.  We are better than this, and deserve leadership, not drama queens.



Sunday, March 3, 2024

Embryonic Personhood

                                                                                       written 25 February 2024

                                                                                         published 3 March 2024


            The Alabama Supreme Court (6 men, 2 women, all white Republicans) voted 7-1 to effectively extend personhood rights to cryogenically stored fertilized embryos, claiming "sanctity of life" and "Biblical priority" over law.  This is arrogant, hypocritical, theocratic, and punitive.

            The embryos in question consist of 4-8 undifferentiated cells, extras that resulted from In Virto Fertilization (IVF) techniques, a process which helps people give birth.  The ruling makes the disposal of these cells a potential crime, threatening jail time as a result, and has halted all IVF activity in Alabama, with repercussions in other states under Republican domination.

            Put aside the issue that IVF embryos require continued artificial support to live, or that 8 celled embryos in utero require a healthy woman to survive, or that 70 % of all such embryos are regularly expelled by the body before birth.  The White Christian Nationalist movement, which must be contrasted to all those who actually embrace the spirit of Christ, preach the soul of a person begins with fertilization, and must be protected by law, without regard for the desires of the mother.

            I appreciate honoring the sanctity of life, but it is arrogant to include only humans, or in this case, frozen undeveloped embryos.  If we are going to protect artificially supported cells, why not take equal care of all pregnant women and their families?  Why not extend such concerns to the larger living planet?  Einstein said "either everything is sacred or nothing is."  Sanctity of life for unborn cells, without equal regard for all life, is just punitive.

            For example, Republican policies increase childhood malnutrition by cutting food aid for poor children, remove laws limiting child labor, and cut affordable medical care.  It is clear that they are concerned about controlling what happens in a woman's body up to the point of birth, and then they don't care.  This is just another skirmish in the Republican war on women, transforming democracy to Biblical theocracy.  80 percent of Americans support access to IVF, including a vast majority of Christians, making it another unpopular position for the Republican party in a presidential election year.   

            But let's take this to logically absurd conclusions.  If a fertilized cell is really a person, do they count in the census?  Can a family get another childhood tax deduction?  Will all miscarriages be investigated for manslaughter?  May pregnant women use the carpool lane?  Does a storage facility have to meet child care regulations on staffing and bathrooms?  When a frozen embryo is stored over 5 years, does it have to go to school?  If it is over 18 years old, can it vote?  Must it be registered for Selective Service?  

            Growing embryos are especially vulnerable to mutagens, chemicals that adversely affect DNA, and can cause biological defects or death.  There are over 100,000 industrial chemicals in wide spread use today, and over 12,000 chemicals are intentionally added to food.  Yet very few have been tested for mutagenic impact, because of the expense.  

            Plastic breaks down into long lasting microplastics particles, which tend to accumulate mutagenetic chemicals, and are now found everywhere on the planet, even in rainwater.  Microplastic is found in the entire body from the brain to mother's milk.  Food with high fat and protein content have been shown to be mutagenic.  High temperature cooking of meat, such as grilling, produces mutagenetic compounds.  Consumption of tobacco, alcohol, caffeine, or diet sodas have shown mutagenetic effects.  

            If embryonic personhood becomes widely accepted law, every company that produces these items, or businesses that distribute or serve these items, is at risk of being sued for attempted assault or manslaughter.  Stress can also be mutagenic.  Anyone causing a women of childbearing age undue stress would also be at risk.  Furthermore, any pregnant woman consuming the above items, even months in advance of conception, would be at legal risk as well.   

            This would give rise to an oppressive theocratic authoritarian state that monitors every action of women of childbearing age, to insure the "sanctity of life" of any potential unborn.  The cost of all this "protective" monitoring would have to be borne by the state, or it would be complicit through negligence.  This would eventually bankrupt the entire economy, in order to insure the "sanctity of life" of the unborn.

            This insanity is today's Republican party.  Let's avoid this.  We have real problems to address, and need actual leaders, not punitive religious zealots.