written 9 February, 2025
published 16 February, 2025
The last time fascist boots marched across the world, millions died, and many countries were smashed to dust before it was over. My father survived that war, so it is deeply depressing the authoritarian fascists this time are American. In just the first few weeks in office, the tsunami of chaos, disruption, and ill feelings flooding from the White House feels overwhelming, and denial is policy.
As the Asian bird flu expands, decimating commercial flocks, raising egg prices, the Center for Disease Control is being gutted, and information expunged, leaving the population blind at a time of increasing risk. A growing measle epidemic in Texas is expanding unacknowledged, without any official recognition or reaction, in that very red, anti-vax state.
Rather than face issues, we have a "know nothing" party in power, focused on narrowly popular social issues, with heavy punitive religious overtones. When authoritarian rule is aligned with fanatical religious dogma, people feel justified by God to kill and oppress for exclusive gain. Fear, judgement, and revenge are the currency of this administration, and people already feel it.
Yesterday, a man with a battery powered bullhorn was standing on the street corner, shouting non-stop at the passing traffic. The words were unclear, but the tone was dire. As I passed, I could only see the words "Jesus" and "vomit" on his sign. According to the Bible, Christ taught the two most important actions were to love God and love the other. How can anyone hate, and still believe they are truly "Christians"?
But the most significant juggernaut headed our way is the growing climate crisis. Out of spite, the new regime is defunding all previous climate efforts. Regulations are being removed, allowing unfettered fossil fuel development, despite the industry knowing their time is ending. All mention of climate change is being stripped from government websites. National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration, which has been significant in monitoring climate change, is being gutted and muted.
But reality doesn't bend to denial. January 2025 was the hottest January on record. Temperature at the North Pole was 20°F above normal last week. The Earth has now exceeded the previous Paris accord limit of 1.5°C above preindustrial times, and it was recently reported that we will blow past 2°C in no time, as the planet is heating faster than was previously feared.
The proof is becoming impossible to ignore. Lloyd’s of London, a major re-insurance firm, reported that in the last decade the quantity of insurance claims increased a factor of 3 and payments increased a factor of 5. State Farm Insurance recently announced it will raise home owner insurance rates in California an average of 22 percent. Insurance may not be affordable, even if available. Uninsurable property loses 80 percent of its value, threatening real estate and banking industries, and the funding of state and local governments.
The January wildfires in Los Angeles destroyed $70 billion in insured property, but the regional economic impact, including lost incomes, uninsured losses, and destroyed infrastructure, is estimated as high as $280 billion. The estimated regional economic impact of the fall hurricanes in the southeast is $140 billion. These two events, in just five months, add up to about half the annual US Pentagon budget. Rest assured, these aren't the last climate disasters we will see. These are only teaser previews of coming attractions! But our "leader" doesn't believe it is real.
The challenge is how to respond. We each have the power to choose, despite the external situation. Hating the other, not only doesn't work, it is just the same play book as the party in power and we become what we resist.
From a Buddhist, unity reality, we are all one, and our "leader" is part of me. He was abused by his father, taught the world is only killers and losers. He had no emotional support, and no real friends. He knows he is a fraud, but can't embrace that, so he spews hate on everyone else. If I have compassion for that destroyed, angry, frightened little boy, my attitude changes. I don't forgive his actions, but I don't hate him, and I feel better.
We don't know what will happen. In the long term, the rise and fall of Hitler ushered in 80 years of peace in Europe, the longest in recent history. Hold fast to the vision of what we want.